Saturday, December 26, 2009
Perscription: Alcohol
then we got smashed at ALT on the friday as i was about to celebrate my bday,i spent 15mins of my bus journey to town talkin to this 3rd year bespeckled engineer who tried givin me ''the eyes' but it wasnt workin,sorry dude.
so the night went a lil sumthing like thiswas such a fun night,i lost EVERYONE from roebuck by th end of the nit,so was kindly taken care of by john david and a very very drunk brian :)
u can imagine how amazing i felt next day (not!) and no paracetemol in my apartment!
sat went home and went to the hollywood for drinks with old friends,
sunday went out big style,for LC 09 reunion which was so epic but its a shame its a bit of a blank :/
the rant oh yes
ive been pumping every type of pain relief,cold and flu tabs,anadin,calpol,benelyn,7up,into my body for the last 3 days in the hope id be better for st.stephens nit.
its now st.stephens
and im still sick :/
this is karma comiing to bite my ass and i should have seen this coming.
i get ill like once a year,but WHY WHY WHY did it have to be over christmas?????!!!
i couldnt even eat my christmas dinner on christmas day because my throat was raw,felt like such a waster.
And i really wanted to be cheery and happy like all my fam but i was just tired nd sleepy all the year im defo going to do a detox b4 christmas so this never happens again!
theres a silver lining at least and its called NEW YEARS!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Holding back
Do you ever have those moments where you just wish you could tell people what your really thinking.
A lot of people dont do this because of the consequences.
We lie and we cover things up so people dont get hurt.
And quite often the person we're trying not to hurt does end up upset when they find out that youve been letting them know only what YOU want them to know.
so whats worse?
the lies or the truth?
People say that ignorance is bliss? maybe
personally, i hate the liars who are covering up to save their own snake-like skin
there have been times when someone is STUPID enough to actually think that im that thick that i dont know when they are lieing straight to my face.
Actually sweetheart your the thick one, nearly 100% of the time, i know the truth.
Get a clue
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
no scratch that,
The floods are taking over and people are trapped in their homes and colleges. :/
I think this is enough eveidence to prove that we are SCREWED environmentally
im not a freakin enviro hippe or anything,but i do care about looking after and respecting the place we live and the elements we cant control(but we can influence!!)
Yep its almost CHRISSSSSYYYYMASSSS! :D And grafton street is looking pretty incredible yet again <3>
Also vier und zwanzig Tage bis meine geburtstag!!! ;) thats german,figure it out! haha
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Love List:Continued
I love:
When Im right,especially if the other person is really really stupidly wrong but their trying to make me out to be the stupid one,assholes
Edie sedgwick
Not eating the crust on bread - I WILL NEVER EAT BREAD CRUST OK??!!!
speaking of bread....... really buttery toast yum
3 in 1's, they make me so happy
The Starbucks red christmas cups
Hats,cos im a hat person
Being on time for EVERYTHING!
The fact im such a morning person,rise nd shine!! :)
Watching Sex and the City,on my own, cos i Hate when ppl talk over it
Leaving things till the last minute,but still being on time ha
Waking up and remembering good dreams
Waking up at 12
Waking up in a good mood
Drunken conversations
Power naps!!!!
Sleeping in general
Fishing with my grandad :) <3
When its actually sunny but not hot
Feel of grass under my feet
going barefoot in general
When someone opens up to you and you develop a stronger understanding
Hugs and kisses,the pyhsical kind ;)
Shopping on my own
Shopping with boys who have a sense of style
Movie nights
The good old Girly sleepover
Useing too much hair conditioner
Falling asleep to paolo nutini's 'white lies'
Feeling safe and happy
and last but not least
When Im feeling down,like really down and I feel like im going to cry at any time,im angry and i feel that I cant take on the world, that I will never achieve my goals, that im the most naive, weak person in this world.................................................................what i love is when one person comes along,listens to all the shite I think of,says nothing for a minute,looks at me,smiles, and tells me to stop being such an idiot,then scoops me up,hugs me and says 'Your going to be okay' in a way that makes me actually believe them.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Love list
So im gonna give it a go : I Love
Hands - They are usually one of the 1st things I notice about a person Ive just met,weird I know.
Cold nights when you can see every star in the sky
Smell of new leather ballet pumps
Falling asleep in front of the fire
Having the volume on full on my ipod
Marc Jacobs clothes-shoes-bags-perfume
A really good book
Hula hoops and Mars bars
Daydreaming - I am the biggest daydreamer I know, Its a terrible terrible trait Ive had since I was little and It will never go.But Im somewhat proud of it because I could totally zone out in class and the teachers would never know
Star Wars
Cracking my big toes,before bed and in the evening
Walking, fast,If you cant keep up then tough
Smell of guys colonge
One foot out of the bed
Being stubborn
Then being easily talked round
Malibu and red lemonade
My Pokemon collection,im uber proud
Straight teeth - Its my dream
Eating nutella with a spoon,and im not alone on that one
The feel of Fresh Bed sheets
Gossip Girl
Music that gets me hyped
Music that makes me sad
Music that makes me feel a million times better about life
3am conversations that will always stick out in ur memory
When I surprise people by saying something really psycho-analysing
Ben and jerrys Phish Food
Tear jerking movies
Seeing my friends really really happy,like ecstatic
Danceing, whenever wherever
High Heels - Save me from a lot of jokes
thats a pretty long list to be honest
ah well
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Golden week
and i dont care what you say brian burke!, you can have a golden week even if your an arts student!
Still, the workload is not getting any smaller,and its really starting to bug me.the last two weeks have been a joke with the amount of bad luck ive been having.
I thought it was one on those bad weeks,but no its rolled on into a second week! :/
So its now November which only means one thing.........yep its almost that time of year!
If i start metioning it now though I now im gonna get complaints,but i dont really care so here go's..............CHRISTMAS!!!!!! :D
I get really over excited about christmas,as If im still that 8year old girl who got the Barbie Dreamhouse when she didnt expect it(I actually still hav it sumwhere)
Last year was great cos i turned 18 and all that,but this year will hopefully top last years.
Just have to get through the xmas exmas first :(
and im on until the 18th! damm psychology doesnt finish till 4 in the eve,good excuse to go out that night since technically it will be my birthday after midnight :)
havent been uplaoding pics cos my camera is broke :( hopefully will get it working again soon,although i do have pics from hallows i havent uploaded.
sitting in an empty lecture hall at the mo cos my 9am lecture got cancelled and they were too lazy to put it on blackboard!
Bet my lectuerer has gone into labour,bout time she had that kid,shes been gettin huuuuuge!
also season 3 gossip girl: ''they shoot humpreys dont they?''
OMFG, cudnt believe the scandal in this one!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Deadlines and Dates
put it this way though............................IT WAS EPIC!
I had been lving in Dublin for about 7 weeks at that stage and to be quite frank,it was the best night out ive had in dublin.
Went to James's and got ready with edel,alex and the lovely ann marie,
shes a au pair from germany and she seemed pretty happy that I could speak German!
Location for the venure was seriously class,
it was in Spy beside powerscourt in this big old georgian house that had been converted into a club,As a Art History student i couldnt help but notice ! ;)
Knew quite a lot of people their surprisingly enough and ran in2 peeps i havent seen in ages.Everyone was drunk,everyone was happy,and everyone was VERY VERY sweaty on the dancefloor.Oh and they gave us ice lollies half way through the night :D
James was ripped 2 shreds
alex practically got raped
edel was workin the glasses
and I was just happy out.
all in all, pretty damm good night.
since then Halloween was a bit of a disaster,
tynchy stryder never happened,
im not even going to explain because i'll just embarress myself.a lot.
Was Alice in wonderland on the Wednesday night(ALICE! ALICE! who the fuck is alice??)
And myself and Kev were matchin pirates in ros Saturday,
Ros was good fun,but was in a funny mood that night so went home quite early.
I swear im turing into a social recluse!
Have a lot of work to do this week If I have any hope of takin it easy next week,damm information studies and sociology!
I really need to listen to this lecture now
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Week 7
Monday, October 5, 2009
Well its about time
So now im in college,doing arts in UCD.The first week up was really weird because it felt like a holiday,none of us really took onboard the fact that we actually had to live and survive here for the next 3 years.
So when week 2 rolled round and the lectures started,reality started to set in!We actually have work to do(YEAH RIGHT!) Im Living on campus in Roebuck(known as the ''hotel'') living with 5 other girls who are really nice and good craic.Survivng pretty well actually,getting more adventurous with food haha!Making proper mexican chilli chicken this week! Im still never going to eat bread crust though,no matter how much you try to make me, its NOT going to happen!!
Other than that just the usual twat-like behaviour when we are out.Just DONT EVER drink a bottle of wine thinking you can handle it then 4 tequila.You just end up an emotional mess,id know :P
We totally met tynchy stryder in Purty Kitchen :)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
So ive left the whole update on grad bit late but
i dont even care that my feet were in extreme pain and that the end of my dress got DROWNED in alcohol at the afterparty.
how we managed to survive 2 days of drinking plus the bank holiday weekend is a mystery to me!
to be qutite frank and simple it was 10 months of organisation,giving up our lunches to have meetings,giving up weekends to visit hotels,bus companys etc,and trying not to sacrifice the all important study time!
but it sooooo paid off :)
And james was such a gentleman(his mam should be proud!)he opened doors for me,held my stuff when i was being all posey,bought me drinks and dealt with my MAJORLY embarresing fam,espesh my nan and tracy(who decided to re-do my make-up IN FRONT OF EVERYONE after i was ready to go!)
and he looked well sharp!
thanks babe ;) X
the dinner ,the dancing,the drinking was a sweet sucess as was the company,fair play for the lads all being on their best behaviour!
houseparty- LEGEND! liane is now an offical legde in everyones eyes,was unreal good.went for brecckkie round 8ish,but everything was closed i was still drunk and had sumhow managed to convince myself that their were no toilets so id have to pay 25cent to use the public one(yes i know but i was desperate and i was drunk)managed to get food in gleesons with kate,leo,declan carlo and jamesy and a few home still drunk(aha)and slept like a baby.
i miss it
i want to do it all over again!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
3rd time lucky?not so much babe
what an old man :)
went to the Italian and brought drink including a bottle of pink champagne.
Good to see some of the boys after a while,
went hollwood after where myself and kate made use of the pool tables not realising that their were sercurity cameras ha!
Well the plan for oxegen totally fell through like a fat man on a deck chair :/
i miss the blue campsite fairground :(
was so so so so close to going
but luck wasnt on my side this year unfort
damm ebay
so the feedback i got was the music was as good as ever cept for the Yeah yeah yeahs who supposedly gave a poor performance,as were janes addiction who were drunk,shit and attemping pathetic irish accents
Liane got to grab Katy Perry's waist
and levi got to grab Katys boob
im oh so fucking jelous
Florence was amazo apparently,would have LOVED to have heard Cosmic Love :(
oh well............
the only thing that redeemed that weekend for me was i was lovely and cosy and dry in my bed that weekend while everyone else was PLASTERED in muck,dirt and general STD's and swine flu baha!
So now theres two weeks left until ........
Convent of Mercy Grad 2009™
yep i just had to throw in the Trademark :D
got the dress,the date,the bag still need shoes and sort a few things with the Committee,but other than that its going to be the biggest session of the year.
damm straight
dont want to take away from the fact 12th is looming over our heads
(cue the tears)
still having disturbing dreams about it
just want it over and donezo!thats and not waiting 5 fucking days for an offer from a college i might not even want!
That said if i actually pass :/
Friday, June 26, 2009
Ahhh yeah summers here!!!!
only problem im having these days is that i have all the time in the world and im doing nothing about it except cleaning the house and being a general housewife.
I swear to jesus right no im NEVER going to become a housewife!!
(if i do,shoot me please)
spent a lovely day in town with kaz and neevis
we went to the park and chilled with our ice creams and magazines then and just messed around with neevs camera!
love days like these.
recently ive also become hooked on twitter :/ i know i shouldnt but i did! as have half the population of the world.
FINALLY getting my scan in july,oh joy! maybe now they will actually be able to figure out whats wrong with my body(maybe if i ask nicely they can sort out my head too ;) baha
Making lots of plans aswell,most of which involve sleeping more,gyming it more and getiin some kick ass shoes to go with my grad dress.
Also,very sad today,micheal Jackson passed away last night,i followed the story online it was tragic :( R.I.P and hope his family are gonna be alright,also R.I.P Farrah Fawcett and Ed MacMahon,hollywood lost 3 stars this week :(
Monday, June 1, 2009
You steal my sunshine
the topic of conversation was interesting to say the least!
then we got onto tv/Movie characters and who would be who
My results are:
Desperate Housewives: Gabrielle
Greys anatomy:Alex
The Hills:Stepahine and Audrinas love child
Shrek: Lord Farquad BAHA
Jungle Book: Mogli( so im a boy who runs around in underwear all the time??)
Little Mermaid: Scuttle
Lion King: Mufasa
Madagascar:King Julian
seriosuly made me re-evaluate the people i hang out with :P
Friday, May 29, 2009
Draaaaging it out
It could be worse i guess,
oh wait yeah,the sun is splitting the rocks and i cant enjoy it :(
and i really miss the 6D girlies!
Siobhan Ormsbys face pretty much made my year,tequila does bad bad things
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Late as ever
i finally finished school,thank fuck!
after 14 years(yes thats how long it actually is!) im finally done with the thing i HATE the most
and i couldnt be more happier
that was until i woke up the next morning and realise i had a week and 4 days to get my ass in gear for the biggest exam of my life.
Thats when it started to come crashing down,and to be honest i dont want to get stressed about it but it seems if you dont people think your a lazy underachiever who doesnt appreciate education.
Listen im just not up for tears,drama,hair loss and sleepless nights.
There is such a big drama about this LC
is it worth it?
at the moment i have these symtoms and as much as id like to get rid of them its the people around me who make me worried.
can i just get on with it please?
if anyone fucks up,its not the end of the world and i really wish students would recognise that instead of digging themselves into their own grave.
loved every minute of it,apart from the part where we all started balling our eyes out dureing the last song of the mass,we couldnt even sing!
Part i hated was where i went on stage to do the last poem thingy and almost started crying!(what a cry baby!)
but meh i got a bit emotional seeing all the girls smileing that night :)
Then went to the pub and we were LOCKED!!!!!
loved every minute,every drunken class mate and every confession that was revealed that night ;) ha
im never gonna forget these girls
whata bunch of babes :)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Go back to the start
its called ''Summer elegies''by Derek Walcott(total ledge womanizer)
the first 3 stanzas were purely about sex
on a beach,
for like the first time
kinda describing in a nervous teenager way
'the things we did'' and 'hands dareing to be bolder''
Woah,it was graphic
i found it really alright to begin with,but by the time it was finished the poem took on a completely different meaning that had NOTHING to do with sex.
the end was about relationships and how with time they fade away
even a realationship that is once passionate and fun eventually dies out,like the memory Walcott was remembering in the poem.
the thought of that really struck me
if all relationships eventually die out then in what concept and context does the word 'love' come into the question of relationships?
in my opinion(and you dont have to agree)
Love is the most over-used and abused word in the entire english speaking language.As stupid as it sounds and i know how critical some people will be when i quote Lauren Conrad :'Love is not a maybe thing,you know when you love somebody''
but how?
how the hell do you know?
There are a few people ive come across in life who dont belive in a little bit of l.o.v.e and who firmly believe that it doesnt exsist which their quite entitled to.
Then theres the people who throw the word around like a football and have no meaning behind it whatsoever
and of course i'll put my hands up and admit that ive done that a lot in the past,everyone has.
Then there are the people who will say it just because they feel obliged to do so.
I could go on about this forever but ive just made tea and its getting cold now :) so i should probably wrap this up
if you want to debate me with this i would LOVE too (get it??!)
anyway,to anyone who has msn me in the last 2weeks
i actually havent been online in 2weeks and im still not cos my broadband is broke :(
if i was online u were actually talking to my grandad BAHA
My msn is on his laptop and the stupid thing signed me in everytime it switched on :P grrrrrrrrr
so im basically just studying while u lot are online(lucky!)
but i'll get my Broadband back soon ;)
if anyone wants to lend a hand with the study,PLEASE do!!!!! 6weeks left and im screwed.
p.s congrats to Johnny and Lynda on the birth of Baby Holly!welcome to the fam !
Oh by the way,You,i miss you
its the risk that im takeing,im never gonna shut you out.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
sorry,im alergic to bullshit
wasnt in the best of ways recently,and i was too damm lazy to even try to write.
but back now :]
So basically everything kinda fell apart this week,
ad i mean this in the physical way NOT the 'emotional my life has no meaning' way.First my I-pod headphones break the cheap twats,then my laptop adaptor decides to go hay wire and it wont work properly so i keep havin to switch it on and off :/
I woke up yesterday morning with a sore throat and this morning it was worse,to top that off i think i have pink eye :/ its either that or i just look really really tired.
Freaking out about this damm German oral next monday
I have five of these stuuupid rollenspiele to learn off aswell as the pictures,which i abso hate cos their boreing as fuck and i really wish i had learned them 3 months ago :(
that would have been the smart thing to do.
well done Robynn.
but on the bright side the oral might not even happen,the teachers are supposed to be going on strike that day so thank god for the recession if they actually do.
I remember last time they went on strike.
i was in the primary school across the road and we watched them at break time walking up and down with their little was such a laugh.
come to think about it,i actually remember a lot about the secondary school from my primary school.
We used to make fun at the lads and the girls who where smoochin at the wall and shout abuse at them.god those were the days!! :) i loved tellin the lads to get ther hands off the girls ass when they were at the wall,it was hilarious at the time but now i actually see how annoying it was BAHA.
boys were evil perverts back then
they still are :/
right i just went off on a tangent there,
so annnnnnywaaaaaay
got some stuff for our legendary grad sorted.Signed the contract for the hotel and got the bus prices knocked back a bit,sucess!!
also organising more fundraisers for it so we dont have to pay any more money.
look its a recession!
were not THAT loaded!!
oh and sinead stevans(my new bestie) is really excited about my dress! :)
i would be too ;)
she loves the design and is all ready to get started on it.shes making it for me ,shes an abso genius and i totally trust her with this one.
so St.Paddys day is back
the one day your supposed to get TOTALLY FUCKED!
and i might not be
depends how i feel ;)
i'll blog what happened anyway,if i can remember what happens aha!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Moveing out moveing on
i LOVE my new bedroom
with the walk-in closet.
im in quite a bad mood so i'll keep this short
blog 2mozzo with stories about last weekend and midders
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I cant think of a good title
Im just after wakeing up(i fall asleep in the evenings everyday)
Believe me thats not lazyness,its just what i do dont hate.
Mocks are over,less said the better it'll be fun getting the results and counting up the points,not.
My whole year gets a much deserved break now,so hoepully we'll all be fresh as daisies by the time its over and ready to work again,again probs not :]
all i can do is laugh and learn.
James 18th on Friday!
Was so happy i got to see a lot of people i havent seen in about a year.James choose casual attire for the night and he was lookin well!was a really good night,i was still a bit tired so soz if i seemed a bit moody!
And i have to credit Sarah Meyler on her immpecable TASTE in old men *cough-Richard Gere*
and for her hilarious stories that kept me entertained.ive just got two words
Oh and can we Stop with the whole Swallow debate,its a bird,lets leave it at that.
So Valentines day was yesterday,
i totally forgot about these deadli pair of vans i own,
would have been a laugh if id worn them.
Nope instead i choose to wear something else with a valentine theme.Lets say it gorgeous and new and 'im not quite sure if its red or pink' lace,and you cant see it.AHA.Haveing one of ''those'' spending sprees this week,looking forward to it! ;)
I didnt go out for V-day,instead i was babysitting! Ya know working girl style.Look its a resession and i needed monez!
Watched that movie with that piece of SEX Aaron Johnson in it,his body is god.I have to repeatedly apoligize to Brian and John for waiting for waiting for me.I dont know what id do with out them.And John missed his chinese :P im such a bad friend.Sorry love.
Found this today,id love to say i drew it but i didnt.My Mum did! its from her portfolio when she was in college but she never finished it so i might give it a go and see how it turns out.
I really dont wanna fuck up one of her drawings :/
Neev just called over with my uggs.
Bless her,i left them at hers on new years but she came over for a lil visit so now im awake again.
Back is killing me.going physio tommorow i think.
Hes going to kick my ass cos i havent been in so long.
Shit, sit-ups would be a good option right now.
Friday, February 6, 2009
I told him i loved him,i just didnt use words
Havent written in a while really,
well due to circumstances beyond my control i was internetless for a week.
WORST possible timing ever!
I'll get to that in a bit,but first in reference to my pic above!
Its kinda a last fling at takeing pics in my room,as of mid-term it wont be mine anymore :[
Im moveing house :D !!!!!!
And im quite excited,new room will be same size as my current one only i'll have a WALK IN WARDROBE!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!Am so excited to decorate the new room and stuff.But it got me thinking....
Im REALLY gonna miss my bedroom.I love it to bits,its one of my favorite places in the world and over the years i made it my own.This means i have to take down all the posters,pictures and vougue cut-outs on my wall :( My room holds a lot of great memories for me aswell,good and bad times and(ahem) really really good times ;] teehee.Cleaned a bit of it out already and found so many old diaries and photos and little notes,it really made me sad and made me appreciate how much just a small space can mean to someone.
now someone else will have it,but they'll never know about all the memories that room holds.
But on the brightside i have a opportunity to make new memories,style out a new room and have sone fun in the new house.
Got my Ballet exam results back with the Cert.Grade 6 Merit baby! I love seeing it in writeing eeeeeeeeekkkkk!! Im loveing Grade 7 at the moment its great. my sister got picked to do the Irish National Dance Awards this year,following in my footsteps,well what can i say?Theirs talent in the Stratford blood! If she doesnt win something i'll kill her,she has to keep up my perfect rep ;]
So mocks started,
I havent slept at night for more 4 hours in 5 days.The pic above is the 1st text from English paper one.Imagine the smile on my face as i opened my first page of my first exam when i saw this pic from Marie Antoinette! :] It went alright,paper two was terrible and i had lcvp after which i didnt get to finish because my hand stopped working :/ as in i actually couldnt hold my pen it was so bad.
Maths was a joke.I failed hands down.
Then Irish,i fucking forgot to answer a question and now ive lost 60 MARKS!!!!!
Feel like total crap,im so effing tired and i didnt watch skins last night cos i thought id sleep if i went to bed early(which didnt happen)
oh and valentines day?
U CAN GO F*%K yourself as always ha
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I told you i was trouble......
Life is not fair
So after much useless research i got my broadband working again,
turns out all i needed was to change my USB cable.
arent i bright?
Last weekend was fun.
Stayed at lianes for our 'Guitar hero ' night which we'd been planning for a bitbecause we figured we needed to 'unwind' a bit,
i started out really crap on guitar hero but by 9pm i was DEADLI!Got a bit hooked on it and got a bit competitive baha!,Lara is actually a genius at the game.
The drink was flowing,and so were the shots (mix of Rum,Vodka,bulmers,fatfrog and malibu)courtesy of Nathanial.Liane didnt drink becuase she had some driving to do and ended up bringing callum and calla out the backroads at like 2 in the morning.
My total time asleep: 20 MINUTES!!!!!
Lianes spare room is haunted by the way,theres totally a 'ghost' in there.Oh and bit of advice to everyone, dont try and beat me up at 6 in the morning,because i will kick your ass.Proven fact.
Great night either way,
Thanks liane!
MOCKS IN 5 DAYS!!---- do not talk to me about it.
really scared.
Just thinking about Mid-Term to try and get by,which will be great hopefully,planning a lot of mischief teehee. and jamesys 18th on friday 13th waahaay.
not much else apart from all the STUDY
its getting so bad in study that i can actually conecntrate,all i hear is too much noise :/ its really frustrating.
Dads Birthday on friday
big ould 39! not.
think i'll take him for a drink.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Giving a heads up to some of ye,if im being crap at staying in contact im really sorry and you will hear from me soon.
Theirs been a good few problems this that needed sorting and i wasnt really up for giving long explanations,in fact in some cases its nobodys business except my own.sorry but thats the truth.I dont want to feel as if i should explain myself everyday.
To give the basics,
My Grandpa is dieing,
Hes in England,and i havent seen him since the summer when he came to visit, and i wont get to see him before he dies which really breaks my heart.
Ive been told i cant afford to take time out to go to england before my mocks.
I cant even begin to tell you how angry i am about that.
Hes young enough for a grandparent,and i dont want to lose him.
Im extremely lucky that all four of my grandparents are still alive.
I dont think im ready to lose one.
other than that school is a mess.
so if im not talking to you,please dont be offended!!!
theirs just a lot going on atm.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
So ya hello again
i forgot the fucking password for this aggggges ago but now i think im sorted
so today was an epic day of nothingness,yet again!
thats all my agenda entails,mocks and shit 3rd of febuary :/ gaawwwwwn kill me please
and the reason u ask why im writeng this on a satyrday nit u ask???
Because im a jumped up little Swot and ive made the decision not to go out till the mocks are over which is the day of james 18th.
Yet i am actually spending next weekend at lianes house,getting drunk,playing guitar hero,dancing on her treadmill and having mischief ;)
looking forward to it.
speaking of dancing i got my Ballet results back
MERIT baby!
and i thought i failed,i need more self assurance really.
so last night we had some fun in this internet cafe that we basically owned for the night,it was quite good actually,stole some pics from james above.
then we locked up and set off the alarm,responcilbe eh??
i actually wanted the ground to swallow me up.
Doing more cao 2night,dont ask about it please,its a total fail as far as im concerned.
should be sleeping
but that would be pointless aha