Thursday, April 22, 2010

The bak O yo head is ri-dic-a-lous!

um yeah my names darelll,its spellt like daryl.......

for any of you who know what im talking about, 'can i have yo numba?' ha
lets just say my week got off to an enteraining start when i was talked into going down the student bar for the infamous 3euro drinks,ahem yeah funny night.

Right in responce to the feedbak i got from my last post i would like to issue a formal warning about , IS THE MOST DEPRESSING WEBSITE EVER!!! so for those of you who easily cry at sad stories,DO NOT go on it, you will cry,you will continue to read on and then you will cry some more into your mansize box of kleenex tissues! that is all.

anyway today i decided i was going to take a trip into town,seeing as I hadnt been in all week and wanted to enjoy the sunnyness in dublin city centre(as opposed to staying in UCD all the friggin time) It was really gorgeous today and i took the liberty of not typically shoving my ipod headphones on,so I could actually do some good old-fashioned Day-dreaming out the window of the bus wihtout the distraction and seclusion of Blondie and Muse. We were just about to leave UCD when these 3 american boys hopped on and sat awkwardly in 3 different seats. I didnt take much heed because i was too busy looking out the window to really notice them.

It was when they opened their mouths and began to speak that i realised that i SHOULD have shoved on my ipod headphones!
Seriously, okay i know im loud, but these guys were fuckin HEADCASES!! They seemed to think that because they had decided to sit in 3 different seats that they should talk louder and that the whole top of the bus would just LOOOOVVE to hear their conversation!
The topic of their discussion was of course american football,or as i like to call it 'the wimps version of rugby' The converstaion was loud and annoying but the most shocking thing was the swearing, it was 'fuck this' and 'fuck that' and 'screw him he's not even a proper athlethe!'. and it got worse as the journey continued.
They talked about how 'fucking pissed' they were when the colts won ,' like me and my dad were just sitting there ready to pucnh their fuckin retarded heads in'' 'the bears suck' 'colts can suck my c#%k'

Needless to say everyones on the bus heard EVERYTHING! this went on for 15 minutes.
I mean come on, who the hell has that kinda manners to swear and curse that loudly and openly without discrection on a public bus!? freedom of speech is great but jesus,common curtosy and manners should be considered. Like these guys seemed like nice enough ''all american'' looking boys when they arrived,but as soon as they opened their mouths they turned into aboslute assholes.I think everyone including myself were just dieing for them to get off the friggin bus!

When that glorious moment came and the boys went to leave, the guy who had the loudest mouth of all suddenly tripped down the stairs rather ungracefully queing a lot of laughter from all of us sitting, to which he responded ''ugh i almost,like, broke my ankles!''. His friend at the top of the stairs (who was rather good looking despite his foul mouth) looked at all of us and went ''well that was entertaining''
Karma is a bitch yankee boy, next time you go home to your mommies in america get her to wash your mouths out with soap,get your hearing tested and GET SOME BLOODY MANNERS!

Im keeping my ipod on on bus journeys from now on.


Monday, April 19, 2010

I gotta feelin

That im going to be in a shite mood all week :/

bit angry about stuff and things, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
mainly my own life and the idiots at roscommon county council who think its okay to give you the last installment of your student grant THE LAST WEEK OF COLLEGE!!
its a joke
yeah i know im lucky to get it but still,the whole system is just ridiculous,and those of you who also get a grant will know what im talking about.

So yes its the last week of college OH MY SWEET-MOTHER-OF-JESUS!!
This is so weird,like im no longer going to be a first eyar anymore,which also means i have to take things a lot more seriously in september, nigs. Everyones getting hyped for UCD Ball at the end of the week on friday, me-not so much.
I would give reasons but then id sound like a brat.
(im well aware that i sound like a brat a lot thanks) i just like to complain every now and then :)
Thers a whole situation with no drinking and wristbands blah blah regulations blah!
you get the gist!

So as of now ive decided to take my last week of college at a slow steady pace,
go to lectures,enjoy the last of it because as geeky as it sounds, by august I actually might be missing it. Doss around,Do a study plan(and not stick to it!) and try and soak up the last week of the academic first year. I really do like UCD a lot, and i really like Dublin. In all honesty we are the lucky ones who are in college at the moment, places for college next year are limited to a large demand and i genuinly do feel sorry for anyone dealing with CAO this year. Makes you kinda appreciate that your 'in' already.
Now its a case of staying in.

anyway this is only a short blog cos im in the middle of painting my nails hot-pink and i only have one hand done! that and im cosyied up in my bed in the middle of the day because I havent been sleeping properly,maybe that why im so cranky ha!?!

oh and heres a little gem for ya,
its kinda the new postsecret! i dont know if all of them are real but some of them are plain freaky,sad and kinda cute :)
Oh and its bloody hilarious!!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

When times were good and anything went..........


JUST WATCH IT, you'll feel like your 5 years old again,those guys were literally the highlight of my evenings in between getting my homework done and finding time to beat up my uncle Marcus when he got home from school at my Grannys house.

But makes ya think, they really did get away with blue murder for slaggin RTE and general random banter which was EPIC! It was the most un-supervised show on RTE and there hasnt been anything better since it! Just goes to show how great the 90's actually was, you wouldnt get this on telly now.MY GOD I MISS RAY!! :( and socky and how could we forget TED!

I used to be in stitchs of laughter whenever Ted attacked Ray, like splitting my sides

I really really really miss those days :(

2 for 1

For the sake of Brian Burkes sanity I am going to do TWO blogs today
yep thats right two!!!
You see him being my biggest fan( i find it hard to believe sometimes) he has demanded i keep blogging so he has somthing to read in order to avoid his 3rd year course work.

Well here you go brian, I am offically distracting you from gettin a degree..................
dont blame me if you fail. YOU ASKED FOR IT!
so back to life and stuff.

Recently things in the life of UCD have been unusally quiet, thats down to the fact that the summer exams are coming up and everyone is screwed!!!
It really has not helped that the last 3 days have been nothing but pure blissful sunny happiness which has put everyone in the mood for lazyness,sunbathing,drinking,undressing and skipping lectures all day.
We are so dedicated.

Its weird to think that this time last year,it couldnt have been more different. I remember last year I was stuck inside trying to pound as much german and irish into my head as possible on top of preping for art and music practicals. I was a mess this time last year :/

Things have changed a lot since then thank god. Im a lot more relaxed and dont get as bothered about things as I would usually do. I think we all turned into anxiety-ridden teens last year.

Now we're all chilling out on the green,taking trips to the park,eating tubs of ice cream and taking advantage of the copious amount of male bodies on show in the last while :) i robbed a few pics off Fiona( thanks bub!)
So after spending the day sunning ourselves on the pitch in ucd,we had the bright idea of going to the student bar( eh come on! 3euro drinks?? HELLO!!) So after sending a few texts around we managed to get a good group of us down there,I dont know if the plan was to get drunk but for the likes of some people who had half a bottle of wine beforehand it was! (not naming names!)
To put the rest of the night into perspective(which it isnt)........
I discovered snakebits(the drink)
The girls made friend with our drinking neighbours
Leo is notorious for spilling pints :/
Jacks cousin Mary is savage craic
Jack is 'okay' no matter how many times I ask him
Brian thinks the wingteam revolves around him ;)
Martini glasses are good wepons
Rory wont be kicking me anytime soon
John can fit himself into rebennifers hotpress amazingly well
Sessions need to end before the wee hours,stress.
needless to say the night was randomly entertaining.

Dont worry brian! another blog is on the way!