I love when I get requests for my blog,mainly because it actually puts the pressure on me to write one,that and I like to hear people suggestions on how to improve my blog!
Just a quick note: I know I said I was going to switch my blog around with graphics and stuff,but its proving a little more complicated than that,im waiting to get my hands on some kick-ass software so I can jazz up this blog like it deserves,so be patient with my 'boreing' layout!
Okay so on yo this blogpost, within the last 9months I have recently taken an absolute godly devotion to Youtube, I am now what I would call myself a 'Youtube Addict'. Televsison has taken a backseat in my everyday routine and instead of getting excited about the next episode of Gossip Girl(although still throughly devoted) Im getting hyped up waiting in anticipation for the next video to be uploaded by vloggers im subscribed to. A 'Vlogger' is someone who makes video blogs,basically it would be what your reading right now in video format with an actual person actually speaking :P The Youtube coummunity really is a fantastic place if you go looking for videos in the right places. Im a big fan of the 'How to&Style'and 'People and Blogs' catagories on Youtube so most of the videos I watch are health/beauty/make-up related. But vloggers who makes these videos also have 'Personal' Channels where they Vlog about things they get up to beyond make-up tutorials and product reviews, I really like this as it gives you an insight into another persons life, its like a little collection of 'Reality shows' with the exception that the 'reality' is actually very truly real compared to some of the crap that you see on telly. Thats what I LOVE about Youtube videos, its done by real people just doing this as a hobby because they really enjoy it,majority do NOT get paid(unless you make partner with Youtube through popularity)so in a way Youtube vloggers are the most real thing you could ever possibly see on a screeen.
I get a few weird comments from my friends over my obsession with Youtube videos,but they know me well enough to know its just my thing ;) Im going to post a few links to a few Vloggers im subscribed to so if you want you can check them out,it could make a nice change to your normal routine of programmes.
SprinkleofGlitter: Louise does make-up and beauty reviews and tutorials,shes currently 9 months pregnant(and overdue!!)she has the most fantastic sense of humor and really makes me laugh with her randomness!
ThePersianBabe: Barbara is a stunning girl who lives in London,she half Persian and half Italian but has the nicest british accent. Shes only started doin vlogs along with her reviews but im a BIG fan of her channel.Shes also recently upgraded to HD so the quality of her recent vids is amazing,heres an older one,
Beautycrush: Sammi is also an babe,shes from Endland and has such a great sense of style and always has flawless make-up. Her younger sister daniellea also vlogs and its cute when they both do videos together. Sammi also has her own personal channel called 'thesammimariashow' I would defo recommend her if you like fashion.I LOVE the song in this video
Leannewoodfull: Leanne is an 18 year old Irish Vlogger whos videos are becoming extremely popular. She does make-up reviews and hauls but also posts some really funny/straight-talking videos discussing things shes likes/hates, her first 'I hate' video was a hit and shes since then continued to entertain us with her witty chat and sense of humor. I really like leanne and her fashion blog is very well done aswell, heres one of her more recent 'I hate' Videos
Jennamarbles: Jenna is an american vlogger and she is HILARIOUS! no joke,this girl has made me die laughing with her videos. I dont even need to explain just watch this video!!
TheSacconeJolys: These guys are my all time favorite vloggers! :) If you know me then you'll know i am crazy about these guys,Anna and Johanthan are just such nice genuine people they are an Irish couple based in Cork and they do a new video EVERY DAY,its usaully over a good 10minutes long,now thats dedication. It follows there daily lives with there 2 dogs Albi and Sina(cuties)and the leadu-up to their wedding this year. Anna also has a very popular style channel called 'Thestylediet' which you should also check out,shes been in countless magazines worldwide about her vlogs and shes now part of a bigger youtube channel called 'StyleHaul' which feautres popular vloggers froma round the world. Heres a bit from Anna and johnathans dailyvlog
So thats just a little taste of some of the Youtube channels I follow. I highly recommend anyone to go looking for good vloggers on youtube,the channel catagory list is usually a good place to start and if you need any more recomendation I would be more than happy to let you know.......oh also check out The Shaytards...funny as hell!
Anyway im going to wrap this up because theres 3 first year girls sitting across from me in the IT centre who will NOT stop moaning about there project for the last 30 minutes. SERIOSULY STOP! :/
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The bones of you
Alright, for a while Id been thinking about what topic I would cover in my next blog post because I didnt want to write another 'diary' themed post, but recently I came across a post on a blog I follow which covered an issue which I have HUGE problems with. Now before I start let me just say that this is MY own personal experience,thoughts and views and if you have your own body-hang ups and dont like to hear about problems concerning this,then dont read it. I couldnt care less if you dont agree with me or not but im just saving you the hassle right now of reading something that you might not agree with me on :)
The girl who posted the blogpost,Zoe, was talking about her issues with people commenting on her weight and body, shes is quite small and finds it difficult to put on weight yet she is still ridiculed as being 'too skinny' and gets questions like 'how do you stay so skinny?' 'do you/have you ever have an eating disorder?' 'how much exercise do you do?' 'you are sooooo lucky to be so skinny!' Zoe is naturally small,and much like her ive struggled with problems relating to being skinny for years, so heres my take on the issue of being 'skinny',im going to be as brutally honest as possible.
For those of you who dont hang around with me, let me give you a breakdown of my body-type. Im small, I mean REALLY small in both height and weight and all other measurments,which makes me a 'petite'. Im 5ft'1 in height and im a size 8,and as much as people think you should never display your weight I dont believe in that crap, im 7and a half stone and have been the same weight since I can remember. Ive always had a tiny waist,its about 24-25 inches and im about a 32 on my hips so I have a classic hourglass shape for a petite girl.
If I look at pictures of me as a baby I look a lot different, I had very chubby cheecks and 'healthy' looking legs as my granny used to say. I was a normal healthy baby, but as I grew older I started to lose the babyfat, this started in primary school. I was always the smallest in my class, but at some point in primary school I got really skinny, it was at a point when I was having a difficult time fitting in and consequently I was bullied. Certain things like P.E used to terrify me,the prospect of getiing changed in front of the other girls did not sit well with me, especially if we were swimming which we did a LOT of in school. Everything started with a comment while we were in the dressing rooms,it wasnt intentionally nasty but the comment made me suddenly really self conscience 'ewwww you can see your spine,you look all boney' normally I would not have reacted but the fact it happened in front of my class really embaressed me, I LOVED to swim,it was a serious hobby of mine for years, but suddenly I was made aware of how skinny I actually was and this started to effect the way I viewed myself. Towards the time I was hitting puberty I saw a change in my body slightly, my hips got wider and i started to 'bloom' a little,( I thought the boobs would come later but thats not the case) and as I carried on into secondary school, body hang-ups became a bigger deal as is naturally the case in a school full of teenage girls.
As a teenager I was always told by friends and family that I had been lucky to have a slender,small figure. I had my own struggles with accepting my weight but thankfully ive had periods of time where I did not focus so much on 'perfecting' my body as I had seen so many other girls strive for this 'perfection'. But over the course of time not all the comments I would get would be kind, ive had to deal with a lot predjudice and spite-driven remarks from people who obviously had issues about their own body and felt the need to pick on my body. I was intentionally made to feel bad about the fact that I was skinny and people would sometimes comment and hint that maybe I was 'too skinny' and could do with putting on some weight( the fact im not exactly blessed with a clevage does not help my case either) So this made me start to feel extremely self-conscience once again after I thought I was just getting comfortable in my own skin. Comments continued to plague me 'your such a skinny bitch' 'you dont know how easy you have it' 'you dont look healthy' 'you have a childs body', youd be surprised how a so-called innocent remark would have so much meaning behind it.
For a lot of my teen years I really was not comfortable with my body, even past 16 and onto my 18th birthday I still was not comfortable in my own skin, I felt guilty over the fact that I was so skinny,and started to play with the idea that maybe I was a little bit too small for my age. I felt guilty for all the others girls I knew who commented on my figure and were committed to improving their own whereas it was my last priority, I felt guilty everytime I sat down to eat a chocolate bar whilst my girlfriends were snacking on salads and yogurt, and I felt guilty getting dressed up for nights out in case I was 'flaunting' my body too much with my outfit choices. I tried and tried desperetly to put on weight for a short period of time, but no matter what I ate or how many calories I would clock up I never seemed to be able to put on a few pounds. Just before I hit 19 and I was in my first year of college,my perspective changed, I no longer wanted to feel bad about myself for the way I looked, I should have been embracing it for years instead of mentally ridiculing myself for the length of time I spent caught up on being lucky to have a skinny figure. For me it all boiled down to one thing........metabolism, having had the experience of living with other girls and witnessing their eating habits I realised that it was my high metabolism which prevented me from putting on weight quicker than compared to other girls my age.The science of my body seemed to all be small,small,small and when I look at my mother its not hard to believe that genetics has a substantial role to play in my make-up of my body-type.Theres is nothing I can do to possibly reverse a high metabolism, maybe when Im older it might reverse and I could start to put the weight on but until then Ive accepted the fact that Im just a natural 'skinny minny' with a small stature and 'acceptably normal' boobs for a girl my height.
Its sad think after 20 years ive only recently become content with my body and have learned to appreciate it. Im happy with my body the way things are at the moment,but as a woman my body will constantly change and Im now more adapt to accepting that,I know in the society that we live in that most people would consider my body-type to be a blessing in itself as I dont have to work to 'lose' the pounds, but for a period of time I worked to 'gain' the pounds. Many people may not be comfortable in their own body because they feel overweight, but I didnt feel comfortable because I felt like I was a weirdo being 'underweight'.
I now know thats not that case for me, but as much as people focus on weight loss and its struggles we all forget that its not always about loss and sometimes it can be about gaining, it had a huge impact on me just as any other person struggling with 'loss' would experience,so whats really in the difference besides pounds?
At the end of the day we're all trying to change something about our body weather we are skinny,thin,slender,chubby,fat or obese, its all just labels.
The girl who posted the blogpost,Zoe, was talking about her issues with people commenting on her weight and body, shes is quite small and finds it difficult to put on weight yet she is still ridiculed as being 'too skinny' and gets questions like 'how do you stay so skinny?' 'do you/have you ever have an eating disorder?' 'how much exercise do you do?' 'you are sooooo lucky to be so skinny!' Zoe is naturally small,and much like her ive struggled with problems relating to being skinny for years, so heres my take on the issue of being 'skinny',im going to be as brutally honest as possible.
For those of you who dont hang around with me, let me give you a breakdown of my body-type. Im small, I mean REALLY small in both height and weight and all other measurments,which makes me a 'petite'. Im 5ft'1 in height and im a size 8,and as much as people think you should never display your weight I dont believe in that crap, im 7and a half stone and have been the same weight since I can remember. Ive always had a tiny waist,its about 24-25 inches and im about a 32 on my hips so I have a classic hourglass shape for a petite girl.
If I look at pictures of me as a baby I look a lot different, I had very chubby cheecks and 'healthy' looking legs as my granny used to say. I was a normal healthy baby, but as I grew older I started to lose the babyfat, this started in primary school. I was always the smallest in my class, but at some point in primary school I got really skinny, it was at a point when I was having a difficult time fitting in and consequently I was bullied. Certain things like P.E used to terrify me,the prospect of getiing changed in front of the other girls did not sit well with me, especially if we were swimming which we did a LOT of in school. Everything started with a comment while we were in the dressing rooms,it wasnt intentionally nasty but the comment made me suddenly really self conscience 'ewwww you can see your spine,you look all boney' normally I would not have reacted but the fact it happened in front of my class really embaressed me, I LOVED to swim,it was a serious hobby of mine for years, but suddenly I was made aware of how skinny I actually was and this started to effect the way I viewed myself. Towards the time I was hitting puberty I saw a change in my body slightly, my hips got wider and i started to 'bloom' a little,( I thought the boobs would come later but thats not the case) and as I carried on into secondary school, body hang-ups became a bigger deal as is naturally the case in a school full of teenage girls.
As a teenager I was always told by friends and family that I had been lucky to have a slender,small figure. I had my own struggles with accepting my weight but thankfully ive had periods of time where I did not focus so much on 'perfecting' my body as I had seen so many other girls strive for this 'perfection'. But over the course of time not all the comments I would get would be kind, ive had to deal with a lot predjudice and spite-driven remarks from people who obviously had issues about their own body and felt the need to pick on my body. I was intentionally made to feel bad about the fact that I was skinny and people would sometimes comment and hint that maybe I was 'too skinny' and could do with putting on some weight( the fact im not exactly blessed with a clevage does not help my case either) So this made me start to feel extremely self-conscience once again after I thought I was just getting comfortable in my own skin. Comments continued to plague me 'your such a skinny bitch' 'you dont know how easy you have it' 'you dont look healthy' 'you have a childs body', youd be surprised how a so-called innocent remark would have so much meaning behind it.
For a lot of my teen years I really was not comfortable with my body, even past 16 and onto my 18th birthday I still was not comfortable in my own skin, I felt guilty over the fact that I was so skinny,and started to play with the idea that maybe I was a little bit too small for my age. I felt guilty for all the others girls I knew who commented on my figure and were committed to improving their own whereas it was my last priority, I felt guilty everytime I sat down to eat a chocolate bar whilst my girlfriends were snacking on salads and yogurt, and I felt guilty getting dressed up for nights out in case I was 'flaunting' my body too much with my outfit choices. I tried and tried desperetly to put on weight for a short period of time, but no matter what I ate or how many calories I would clock up I never seemed to be able to put on a few pounds. Just before I hit 19 and I was in my first year of college,my perspective changed, I no longer wanted to feel bad about myself for the way I looked, I should have been embracing it for years instead of mentally ridiculing myself for the length of time I spent caught up on being lucky to have a skinny figure. For me it all boiled down to one thing........metabolism, having had the experience of living with other girls and witnessing their eating habits I realised that it was my high metabolism which prevented me from putting on weight quicker than compared to other girls my age.The science of my body seemed to all be small,small,small and when I look at my mother its not hard to believe that genetics has a substantial role to play in my make-up of my body-type.Theres is nothing I can do to possibly reverse a high metabolism, maybe when Im older it might reverse and I could start to put the weight on but until then Ive accepted the fact that Im just a natural 'skinny minny' with a small stature and 'acceptably normal' boobs for a girl my height.
Its sad think after 20 years ive only recently become content with my body and have learned to appreciate it. Im happy with my body the way things are at the moment,but as a woman my body will constantly change and Im now more adapt to accepting that,I know in the society that we live in that most people would consider my body-type to be a blessing in itself as I dont have to work to 'lose' the pounds, but for a period of time I worked to 'gain' the pounds. Many people may not be comfortable in their own body because they feel overweight, but I didnt feel comfortable because I felt like I was a weirdo being 'underweight'.
I now know thats not that case for me, but as much as people focus on weight loss and its struggles we all forget that its not always about loss and sometimes it can be about gaining, it had a huge impact on me just as any other person struggling with 'loss' would experience,so whats really in the difference besides pounds?
At the end of the day we're all trying to change something about our body weather we are skinny,thin,slender,chubby,fat or obese, its all just labels.
Friday, March 11, 2011
A november late comer
Was asked to pick out my ultimate playlist of songs that relate to good memories or remind me of someone or someplace. Seemed like a bit of a retarded idea seeing as I can NEVER choose my favorite songs,but ive a good bot of time on my hands at the minute and I have my ipod handy so I might aswell give it a blast!
Adele- Hometown Glory(extended version)
The piano intro buildup into the first verse of this songs send chills down my spine.It is beautiful. Its one of those songs I only listen to when Im feeling down,and reminds me of my family and how close we actually are.Makes me appreciate them a lot,even when Im mad at them.
Kate Nash- Mouthwash
Whenever I get pissed off, I ALWAYS listen to this song.First time I ever saw Kate Nash was in a small tent in Oxegen 07, no one knew who she was, and i couldnt have cared less about her, until she sang. This song made me cry,which sounds really bloody stuipid,but the atmosphere in the tent at that moment was something I'll probably never experience again.Basically saying not to feel down about life,live it how you want,carefree and have fun and If you have to do that on your onwn, so be it. I went and got her album as soon as it came out after that. Ledge girl
Damien Rice- The blowers Daughter
Heard this on the movie 'Closer' which is one of my favorite movies of all time. It ended the movie with natalie portmans character walking down a street in new york,every man stared at her like she was a piece of meat but she didnt pay and head she just kept on walking.....into the road.Wether she dies or not no one knows,but its an epic song.
Prince- Purple Rain
For obvious reasons. This song is just perfect. Reminds me of my mom,she was maaaaad for Prince back in the day, she used to play his tapes in the car and I would sing along to them when i was a kid,she still goes gaga if they play this on the radio.Bless
Florence and the Machine- Howl
Loveing someone more than you should. Such an amazing song.LOVE IT.
David Guetta ft. Akon- Sexy B%*"h
1st Year of college. The first night out in fact! They played this non stop in button factory. I hated/loved that night for many reasons involving A lot of tequilla and dodgy friendships. Wouldnt go neeaaaaaar buttons now.After buttons, we went back to merville to chill out and crash,two of my friends put their jammies on and started playing this out in the hall,dancing like lunatics and giving it socks while everyone else was conked out. Funny as hell.
Daft Punk- One more time
Reminds me of rockfords back home in roscommon,the good drunken times in rockfords!Everyone off there faces shouting 'ONE MORE TIME!' over and over again just for laughs, a lot of chav dancing involved with this unfort,ha!
Kaskade- 4am(Adam K and soha Remix)
Really really chilled out song, i just listen to it when I need to chill out and de-stress also reminds me of all of michelle phans make-up tutorials!
Guillemots- Sea out
Such a powerful song although a little bit too long at 7minutes,but Fyfe Dangerfield's voice is just amazing and really hits you like a bullet.Again showing my appreciation for a good piano intro, this song always reminds me of a time when I was totally heartbroken. Funnily enough I never feel sad when I listen to this.
Paolo Nutini- Jenny dont be hasty
Its my favorite, everything about it is perfect. To me its about not letting someone you care about write you off when you have so much to give, even when its a lot more than what they deserve. Its a bit of a bitch slap song,its everything you wanted to say to that person and more.
Adele- Hometown Glory(extended version)
The piano intro buildup into the first verse of this songs send chills down my spine.It is beautiful. Its one of those songs I only listen to when Im feeling down,and reminds me of my family and how close we actually are.Makes me appreciate them a lot,even when Im mad at them.
Kate Nash- Mouthwash
Whenever I get pissed off, I ALWAYS listen to this song.First time I ever saw Kate Nash was in a small tent in Oxegen 07, no one knew who she was, and i couldnt have cared less about her, until she sang. This song made me cry,which sounds really bloody stuipid,but the atmosphere in the tent at that moment was something I'll probably never experience again.Basically saying not to feel down about life,live it how you want,carefree and have fun and If you have to do that on your onwn, so be it. I went and got her album as soon as it came out after that. Ledge girl
Damien Rice- The blowers Daughter
Heard this on the movie 'Closer' which is one of my favorite movies of all time. It ended the movie with natalie portmans character walking down a street in new york,every man stared at her like she was a piece of meat but she didnt pay and head she just kept on walking.....into the road.Wether she dies or not no one knows,but its an epic song.
Prince- Purple Rain
For obvious reasons. This song is just perfect. Reminds me of my mom,she was maaaaad for Prince back in the day, she used to play his tapes in the car and I would sing along to them when i was a kid,she still goes gaga if they play this on the radio.Bless
Florence and the Machine- Howl
Loveing someone more than you should. Such an amazing song.LOVE IT.
David Guetta ft. Akon- Sexy B%*"h
1st Year of college. The first night out in fact! They played this non stop in button factory. I hated/loved that night for many reasons involving A lot of tequilla and dodgy friendships. Wouldnt go neeaaaaaar buttons now.After buttons, we went back to merville to chill out and crash,two of my friends put their jammies on and started playing this out in the hall,dancing like lunatics and giving it socks while everyone else was conked out. Funny as hell.
Daft Punk- One more time
Reminds me of rockfords back home in roscommon,the good drunken times in rockfords!Everyone off there faces shouting 'ONE MORE TIME!' over and over again just for laughs, a lot of chav dancing involved with this unfort,ha!
Kaskade- 4am(Adam K and soha Remix)
Really really chilled out song, i just listen to it when I need to chill out and de-stress also reminds me of all of michelle phans make-up tutorials!
Guillemots- Sea out
Such a powerful song although a little bit too long at 7minutes,but Fyfe Dangerfield's voice is just amazing and really hits you like a bullet.Again showing my appreciation for a good piano intro, this song always reminds me of a time when I was totally heartbroken. Funnily enough I never feel sad when I listen to this.
Paolo Nutini- Jenny dont be hasty
Its my favorite, everything about it is perfect. To me its about not letting someone you care about write you off when you have so much to give, even when its a lot more than what they deserve. Its a bit of a bitch slap song,its everything you wanted to say to that person and more.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Moms Home!!
Well bitches im back......
after abandoning my blogger and for-saking it for tumblr, I have come crawling back on my knees to my beloved homeplace. Labels or love(the blogger series) is a go again!
I cant explain the absence really, its kinda due to personal reasons, but now im back and this was due to the fact I was getting numerous requests and comments from people asking ''what happened to your blog?'' 'are you doing another one?' and i was quite flattered to hear that one person(whos never even met me) has my blog as a guilty pleasure for creepin on another persons life, in the most friendly and non-psycho was possible i totally understand this :)
So I shall keep this blog afloat and keep my people happy,I always wanted to say that!
So after long consideration(and plenty more to come) a lot of things HAVE to change in the current situation that is the mess of my life.To anyone who believes that self-happiness is secondary in life like I did for that last 19 years and 10months, FUCK THAT. If theres anything that ive learned in the last 2 months its that your happiness should never be secondary to anyone else's,even when its the people that you love the most in this world, nobody gets anywhere in life with that kinda attitude and you will just get left behind.
So thats my emotional rant.......for now ;)
Im now on my midterm and ive 2weeks to feck about and do nothing when I should be doing work for college,which I WILL do as im quite determined to get AMAZING grades this summer after the absolute stressball that was christmas.
If you wanna have a look at my tumblr have a peek @http://robynn-s.tumblr.com/
its highly regarded as one of those 'indie kid' websites :P I find it a bore sometimes but I do find some great fashion photography and funny meme's on there.
also im back tweeting on twitter,if you have twitter add me on; Robynn_S
I said before christmas that I was going to shake this blog up and change it to make it better and im going to stick to that. Ive missed my blog honestly ,which seems really sad. but hey if the internet gives you a place to vent then use it like a trannys make-up wipe after a saturday night.
Its good to be back.
after abandoning my blogger and for-saking it for tumblr, I have come crawling back on my knees to my beloved homeplace. Labels or love(the blogger series) is a go again!
I cant explain the absence really, its kinda due to personal reasons, but now im back and this was due to the fact I was getting numerous requests and comments from people asking ''what happened to your blog?'' 'are you doing another one?' and i was quite flattered to hear that one person(whos never even met me) has my blog as a guilty pleasure for creepin on another persons life, in the most friendly and non-psycho was possible i totally understand this :)
So I shall keep this blog afloat and keep my people happy,I always wanted to say that!
So after long consideration(and plenty more to come) a lot of things HAVE to change in the current situation that is the mess of my life.To anyone who believes that self-happiness is secondary in life like I did for that last 19 years and 10months, FUCK THAT. If theres anything that ive learned in the last 2 months its that your happiness should never be secondary to anyone else's,even when its the people that you love the most in this world, nobody gets anywhere in life with that kinda attitude and you will just get left behind.
So thats my emotional rant.......for now ;)
Im now on my midterm and ive 2weeks to feck about and do nothing when I should be doing work for college,which I WILL do as im quite determined to get AMAZING grades this summer after the absolute stressball that was christmas.
If you wanna have a look at my tumblr have a peek @http://robynn-s.tumblr.com/
its highly regarded as one of those 'indie kid' websites :P I find it a bore sometimes but I do find some great fashion photography and funny meme's on there.
also im back tweeting on twitter,if you have twitter add me on; Robynn_S
I said before christmas that I was going to shake this blog up and change it to make it better and im going to stick to that. Ive missed my blog honestly ,which seems really sad. but hey if the internet gives you a place to vent then use it like a trannys make-up wipe after a saturday night.
Its good to be back.
Monday, January 10, 2011
The season where I damaged my mind,body and soul
So im gonna keep this one pretty short cos i actually cannot be bothered explaining fully what happened over the festive season, that and im pretty sure your not interested in all the boreing stuff.
I turned 20,Exams got cancelled,we got our drink on, dublin became something like a scene from narnia and it was impossible to get home to ros,Christmas didnt feel like chirstmas it was waaaay too understated,We got our drink on,I lost kings,St.Stephans night was mega,the hangover was not,I got presents from santa and friends/fam,I am spoilt, I watched Black Swan and cried BUCKETS!,New Years-got our drink on again,first with the family then with friends,had my first drama-free new years(on my behalf i cant say the same for others)it was good
died a small death the next day,Got some bad news,Got some good news,I went to tullamore and got my drink on with my cousins,benjemen got inked,we got our drink on again(you can see an occuring problem here)Decided to go back to ballet(which cant happen now for more reasons :(,decided I definetly want a pomeranian dog someday,realised gossip about you means someone admires you enough to waste their lives fueling stupid lies,that I gotta get my ass in gear about summer and also that guys make great pals for bitchin sessions sometimes.
Thats the catch up from christmas!
Good times xxx
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