Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Men+Money+Fame = Sex and Power Ode to Cheryl Cole

First off

Congrats to Cheryl (soon to be again Tweedy) for finally kicking that asswhole to the curb.
I have a theory on people like Ashley
Once a cheater.ALWAYS a cheater.

To be morally correct, in my own opinion, she should have divorced the pathetic coward the first time he was unfaithful.Cheating on your girlfriend is one thing,but cheating on your WIFE is just unforgivablly shameful. Same goes for women who cheat on their Husbands.
I hope she'll be happy again soon with him out of her life.

Now to the topic on the table today,

In recent events in the public eye, it seems that a lot of men,especially men within the sporting profession,are found to be cheating bastards.
Tiger woods,Ashley and Terry are just a few of the boys who are in MAJOR trouble with their Mrs. recently. But it has come to my attention that the balence with fame and money have led these sporting ''heros'' to become power-hungry sex-starved idiots.

Now before I rage on, I would just like to state that I do NOT hate all men and think they are scum.In fact I do Love guys sometimes,they can be so chilled out and funny,its quite comforting.There are Guys in my life, for example, who are the must trustworthy and careing people Ive ever had the pleasure to be-friend. And dare I say it, sometimes I can trust them better than females.
So yes I do have faith in the male race, But these egotistical,selfish assholes really make me squirm!

Lets call Him Guy 'X'

At what point does this guy actually think that becuase he is ''famous'' and he's loaded with overflowing buckets of cash,that he is INVINCIBLE! That whatever he does, does not have consequences and that the world is his for the taking.That cheating on his girlfriend/wife is okay as long as she doesnt find out. Why do they think they can get away with every little sordid secret? Simple answer.
This guy loves the power.
And who wouldnt?
But when do you allow yourself to throw your morals, and the princepals you were raised to believe in, out the door? Where does conscience get knocked out and temptation takes centre stage?
Seriouisly, where is this guys mother???

These are the men guys should not look up to.
These are the men whom, at the end of the day, will have all the money in the world, but who are not respected whitin society and are starved of the two most important things in life, Family and Love.

Its guys like this that make me doubt the male race. But its the men currently in my life who overshadow the negativity. My dad is awesome, in fairness everyones dad is awesome.And my grandads are very caring people. I was born into a house growing up around four uncles,who have inevitably affected my taste in music and star wars! This would explain why im quite comfortable around guys. And the guys who are around in my life at the moment are pretty damm good friends it has to be said.

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