Friday, June 26, 2009


Been eating strawberries all morning YUMMMY
Ahhh yeah summers here!!!!


only problem im having these days is that i have all the time in the world and im doing nothing about it except cleaning the house and being a general housewife.
I swear to jesus right no im NEVER going to become a house
(if i do,shoot me please)

spent a lovely day in town with kaz and neevis
we went to the park and chilled with our ice creams and magazines then and just messed around with neevs camera!

love days like these.
recently ive also become hooked on twitter :/ i know i shouldnt but i did! as have half the population of the world.
FINALLY getting my scan in july,oh joy! maybe now they will actually be able to figure out whats wrong with my body(maybe if i ask nicely they can sort out my head too ;) baha
Making lots of plans aswell,most of which involve sleeping more,gyming it more and getiin some kick ass shoes to go with my grad dress.

Also,very sad today,micheal Jackson passed away last night,i followed the story online it was tragic :( R.I.P and hope his family are gonna be alright,also R.I.P Farrah Fawcett and Ed MacMahon,hollywood lost 3 stars this week :(


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