Sunday, November 29, 2009

Holding back

So im feeling like having a lil rant at the moment.

Do you ever have those moments where you just wish you could tell people what your really thinking.
A lot of people dont do this because of the consequences.
We lie and we cover things up so people dont get hurt.
And quite often the person we're trying not to hurt does end up upset when they find out that youve been letting them know only what YOU want them to know.

so whats worse?
the lies or the truth?

People say that ignorance is bliss? maybe

personally, i hate the liars who are covering up to save their own snake-like skin

there have been times when someone is STUPID enough to actually think that im that thick that i dont know when they are lieing straight to my face.
Actually sweetheart your the thick one, nearly 100% of the time, i know the truth.

Get a clue

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